Week 30 Announcements | JH + HS ECS 2023-24



    1. ASB Thrifting Event
      1. Friday, April 26th at 3:00pm
      2. Entry fee: $5
      3. Bring all your items by Monday, April 22nd for approval
    2. Jogathon
      1. How to share participant pledge page with friends and families
      2. Dojo: digital flyers to help spread the word
      3. Goal for school $20,000
        1. Currently at $4,825
      4. Fundraising 
        1. Curriculum
        2. teacher/staff care
        3. Security measures
      5. Practice jogging at home!
      6. Please share this link! https://app.99pledges.com/fund/eastsidechristian
    3. International Feast 
      1. 1:00pm Friday, April 12
      2. At the Gym
      3. Eastside International Feast 2024- We still need some more sign ups!
      4. Please sign up by Monday, April 8th!
    4. PSAT
      1. PSAT 10 - Tuesday, April 16 
      2. PSAT 8/9 - Thursday, April 18
      3. Attendance is very important. 
    5. Love Fullerton 
      1. Saturday, April 20 8:00am begin at Fullerton College
      2. https://lovefullerton.org/Projects/View-Project?ID=154
      3. Come as a family to Eastside
    6. 2024-25 Registration Commitment Date
      1. Please commit your registration for the 2024-25 school year by submitting your EnrollMe and Re-Enrollment Fee of $300.
  • Wednesday, May 1st


  1. Welcome back to school!
  2. Chapel: Mr. K & Mr. Lam