Week 33 Announcements | Elementary ECS 2023-24




    1. Jogathon
      • Invite your family and friends to come and cheer on our students! Wednesday, May 1st
      • Fundraising
        • Curriculum
        • teacher/staff care
        • Security measures
      • Goal for school $20,000
        • Currently at $6,455
      • Business sponsorship
      • Highlight videos per grade level
        • Send it out to your friends
      • Please share this link! https://app.99pledges.com/fund/eastsidechristian
    2. 2024-25 Registration Commitment Date
      • Please commit your registration for the 2024-25 school year by submitting your EnrollMe and Re-Enrollment Fee of $300.
  • Wednesday, May 1st
  1. Book Fair
    • April 29th-May 3rd, Monday-Friday after school and during select times during school hours
  2. April Parent Prayer Night - last of the 2023-24 school year
    • Tuesday, April 30 at 7pm in school lobby
  3. La Brea Tar Pits for Q4 Field Trip
    • May 17, 2024
    • Be on time! 8:30am
    • Spirit shirts
    • Sacked lunch & disposable water bottles
    • Parent chaperones are welcome
  4. [VOICE OVER] Graduation / Promotion 
    • Graduation / Promotion 
      • Thursday May 30, 2024
        • 6th grade Promotion
          • 11:30am-12:30pm
        • Celebration + Refreshments
          • 1:00pm-1:50pm
      • Friday May 31, 2024
        • Kinder Graduation
          • 11:00am 


  1. Spirit & Truth MV coming soon!