Week 33 Announcements | JH + HS ECS 2023-24



    1. Jogathon
      1. How to share participant pledge page with friends and families
      2. Dojo: digital flyers to help spread the word
      3. Goal for school $20,000
        1. Currently at $6,455
      4. Business sponsorship
      5. Highlight videos per grade level
        1. Send it out to your friends
      6. Please share this link! https://app.99pledges.com/fund/eastsidechristian
    2. 2024-25 Registration Commitment Date
      1. Please commit your registration for the 2024-25 school year by submitting your EnrollMe and Re-Enrollment Fee of $300.
  • Wednesday, May 1st
  1. April Parent Prayer Night
    1. Tuesday, April 30
  2. Star Testing HS - April 29th 
  3. Star Testing JH - May 13th
  4. [VOICE OVER] Awards Night on Wednesday, May 22nd 6:00pm
  5. [VOICE OVER] Graduation / Promotion 
    1. Thursday May 30, 2024
      1. 6th + 8th grade Promotion
        1. 11:30am-12:30pm
      2. 12th grade graduation 
        1. 12:30pm-1:00pm 
      3. Celebration + Refreshments
        1. 1:00pm-1:50pm
  6. Service opportunity for JHHS 
    1. Students need to complete 15 hours of service for Semester 2
    2. A non-church, non-school opportunity on Saturday, May 11 in partnership with OC United.
      1. Details: 
        1. Date: Saturday, 5/11/24
        2. Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm
      2. An opportunity to complete hours together as a team from Eastside in our greater Fullerton community
      3. Sign up with Bible teachers, Mr. Morgan or Mr. You
        1. Once you sign up, further details will be sent out prior to the day


  1. Spirit & Truth MV coming soon!
  2. ASB Thrifting Event